
My One Chance to Make a First Impression

My name is Travis. This is my blog. I would like to prematurely thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy these words. 

Blog post number one is where I should introduce myself to the audience of none I am currently writing for. I am 23 years of age. My half birthday is in eleven days so I am nearly 23 and a half. I currently reside in the basement of my childhood home in New Britain, Connecticut. 

I have always had a particular and unrelenting interest in maps, so I envision a lot of my blog posts from the future being about my travels. Traveling is my real-life map indulgence. I see a location on a map, and I long to be there. Just to experience what the mapmaker experienced, perhaps. Inside Connecticut, outside Connecticut, and on Connecticut state lines. 

I will try my hardest to avoid cliches. If I am cliche, it is 100% ironic. I am fascinated with the written, spoken, and shouted word so this medium is a language sanctuary of sorts that I have never allowed myself access to. I am excited to blog. If this post wasn't enough of an indication. I try to be self-aware. If I am not, please comment and make me aware of myself.   

I hope this medium will make me a better writer, because as of now I do not have much writing experience. I want writing experience, so this cannot hurt my experience level. I hope this medium will make me a better photographer as well. I will try my best to include tasteful photographs to enhance my written word. 
This is a picture of me thinking about being a blogger. (I am underneath the weights.)

This is a picture of me thinking about being a blogger. (I am underneath the weights.)

The inherent paradox of posting photos along with written word is the potential for the posted photos detracting from my written word. I can only hope that my future audience will understand this necessary and lovely interaction and appreciate them in harmony. 

Full disclosure: I am using Helvetica font. 

I envision blog posts from the future also being about music. It is a gross understatement to say that music is one of the top five things on Earth that inspire me. It is probably around top two. Geography/maps/travel and music. I am listening to the Riverboat Gamblers as I type my initial blog, for those that are keeping track. I will try to name-drop what I am listening to as I blog each time I blog, so my audience can imagine what might be slightly be inspiring these words. Or perhaps be inspired themselves to check out an artist they have never heard of. The internet is a perfect place for checking out unfamiliar tunes, as a matter of fact. 

Blog posts from the future may potentially be about sports. Seemingly trivial to some, sports embody passion and suspense like few other things I can immediately think of. I love sports and sports statistics. Baseball and football are the sports that I follow. I admittedly have spent seasons upon seasons playing owner modes of Madden 2007 and MVP Baseball 2005 developing teams and players that do not exist because the compilation of statistics in sports is extremely romantic to me. I play fantasy baseball and football. I am a very competitive person. Basketball is an entertaining game as well, but I am often put off by the fact that there all scoring must be within two specific locations on the court. It feels a bit too contained, like reptiles in a terrarium. I am also put off by games ending in anti-climatic foul shot chess matches.  

I also enjoy waxing philosophical. I will try to avoid preaching and getting overly political when I do this on my blog, because I am put off when others get this way with me. 

I will conclude blog post number one with an admission: the most inspiring and significant experience of my 23 year old life was taking a road trip with Kate, my girlfriend, following my graduation from the University of Connecticut. It spanned three weeks from May-June 2011. Round trip from Central Connecticut to Southern California and back. Cliche? Probably. But I intend to chronicle it to an extent nearly two years later because it was the most important time of my life. 

Thank you for reading. Here is a picture from said road trip. The Great Salt Lake Desert of Utah.

Listening...Woody Guthrie-Mean Talking Blues

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