

A nerdy end-of-year tradition I have exclusively kept to myself for at least the past ten years, I have decided that 2013 will be the year in which subject the internet to my self-indulgence. No, I am not referring to summoning the courage to start I've Been Gone a Long Time. I am posting my top ten albums of the year online, just like every other person who writes about music. If I'm going to commit to writing about music I have to do exactly what every other music critic does. My next move: giving a 8.2/10 score to a shitty, unoriginal indie album because I want people to think I'm a worldly intellectual. 

This exercise, in previous years, had consisted of me sitting in my mother's basement, flipping through my CD booklet and ranking my five favorite albums I had acquired that year, regardless of whether or not they were released in that year. Which is sort of why I have kept it to myself all these years; why would anyone care that Kid A is on my 2009 top 5 list of albums  when it was released in 2000? So, in an effort to remain relevant on the internet, I am not including albums I acquired this year not released in 2013 (I will still be composing that list in private). 

So, this is my first blog post as a real music writer. Adhering to the end-of-year-top-albums-code, my first order of business will be to mention how 2013 was a spectacular year in music (it really was!). And even though you didn't expect it, I am also including a list of my three favorite EP's of 2013. Mostly because you deserve a bonus for reading the best-of list from a non-critically acclaimed blogger. Thank you for reading, and please support these musicians. 

3. Serengeti- Firebird Logo (BARO RECORDS)
More from Geti later, but these three brooding, electronic-tinged tracks were much more enjoyable and diverse than his release Saal from earlier in the year.

2. Touche Amore/Title Fight Split 7" (DEATHWISH, INC.)
Two tracks: each band covering one of the other band's songs (both songs originally being released in 2011). Apologies to every alternative music critic on the internet, but this is the most riveting music Touche Amore released in 2013. 

1. Jeff Rosenstock- Summer (QUOTE UNQUOTE RECORDS)
The most heartfelt, empowering punk tracks you'll find in tandem in 2013. Might inspire you to quit your job and go outside.

10. The Front Bottoms- Talon of the Hawk (BAR/NONE RECORDS)
Sunny, indie-punk anthems converging with quirky lyrics and deliberate vocals? It calls to the mind the follow-up to ...Is a Real Boy that Say Anything never properly delivered. If you missed it this year, be ready to be blasting it in your car with the windows rolled down in Summer 2014.

9. Lemuria- The Distance Is So Big (BRIDGE NINE RECORDS)
The sound of a band in their prime. Sheena Ozzella has one of the best voices in all of indie. The vocal harmonies and songwriting are sharper than ever. There is an omnipresent bright/dark mood throughout the album, recalling Weezer's opus Pinkerton.

8. The Dillinger Escape Plan- One Of Us Is the Killer (PARTY SMASHER, INC./SUMERIAN RECORDS)
Dillinger will always be the torch-bearers of the math-metal scene. And as innovators go, they manage to outdo themselves with every release. With this album, you line up for the intensity (When I Lost My Bet), stay for the anger (Crossburner), and keep coming back for the straight-up songwriting (the title track). Buckle up. 

I've found my new favorite noise-punk outlet. The cacophony of shredding guitars, pummeling drums, and tortured vocals call to mind a speedier Every Time I Die while the straight-up grooves conjure Queens of the Stone Age. Bonus: it's available FOR FREE (click the link above)! The bottom line, though: it's a fucking blast.  

6. Vampire Weekend- Modern Vampires of the City (XL RECORDINGS)
2008's biggest indie buzz-band's third full-length took a little time to grow on me, unlike their previous releases. The bounciness comes in spurts, but the real beauty of Modern Vampires comes in the down-tempo, more subtle tracks (Obvious Bicycle, Step, Hannah Hunt), sometimes bordering on Radiohead territory. arzE.

5. The Bronx- S/T (ATO/WHITE DRUGS)
"ARE YOU THE ANTICHRIST OR THE HOLY GHOST?" frontman Matt Caughthran demands on opening cut "The Unholy Hand." The Bronx have always straddled that line, given the "antichrist" is the blistering, hardcore punk of their earlier days and the "holy ghost" is anthemic, Foo Fighters-esque rock n' roll that some of their more recent work has leaned towards. The holy ghost is front and center on this album, and the Bronx are not apologizing. 

4. Serengeti- Kenny Dennis LP (ANTICON RECORDS)
Kenny Dennis loves O'Doul's. He loves the Chicago Bears. He loves his wife Jueles. He hates Shaq, cities not built on a grid, and dry heat. This is a hip-hop album about these things. Also, Serengeti is a musical genius.   

3. Man Man- On Oni Pond (ANTI-)
I have no idea how Man Man continue to up the quality of their songwriting with every album. They still possess the sensibilities to be weird-for-weirdnesses's-sake, but are now able to completely mask that schtick with a veil of great songs. I dare you to not to dance "Pyramids" at your desk chair. 

2. Bars of Gold- Wheels (FRICTION/BELLYACHE)
I cannot begin to categorize this music because I genuinely believe it is some of the most original and inspirational stuff I've ever heard. A step up from 2010's spectacular Of Gold. Sometimes dreamy, sometimes punky, most of the time dancey, always captivating. Frontman Marc Paffi has the best, and gruff-est, yell in music. The percussion is challenging and is the band's secret weapon. I absolutely love this band.

1. Defeater- Letters Home (BRIDGE NINE RECORDS) 
This is not the most original music I've ever heard. It is not the most fun album of year by any stretch. But I've listened to this album more than any other album in 2013. It's a hardcore album about despair. It is relentless yet incredibly dynamic. It finishes like a freight train; it's the only album I can recall that has all my favorite tracks on Side B. I don't give a fuck if you don't like aggressive music; if you don't feel anything after the album closer "Bled Out," you have no pulse.  

Again, please check these bands out if you have not yet done so. To wrap up the year 2013 blog style, I will indulge in another music-related year-end list. In conjunction with my favorite albums of the year, I have always made a mixtape with my 20 favorite songs I acquired in that year. A top 20 countdown on New Year's Eve. I will deviate from music writer standards and also include songs that were not released in 2013, but were still new to me. I will send you a burned copy of this upon request. Thank you for reading this humble blog in 2013, and have a safe 2014.

(listed from favorite to 20th favorite) 

1. Serengeti- Dennehy
2. Defeater- Bled Out
3. The Front Bottoms- Twin-Sized Mattress
4. Bars of Gold- Coffee With Pele
5. The Bronx- The Unholy Hand
6. Nice Hooves- Play Jazz
7. Jeff Rosenstock- Go On Get
8. Vampire Weekend- Step
9. Serengeti- I Don't Know
10. The Dillinger Escape Plan- One Of Us Is the Killer
11. The Thermals- The Sunset
12. Kid Dynamite- Heart A Tact
13. John Coltrane- Resolution
14. Lemuria- Oahu, Hawaii
15. Bars of Gold- Blue Lightning 
16. Serengeti- Directions
17. Man Man- Pyramids
18. Single Mothers- Hell (Is My Backup Plan)
19. Defeater- Rabbit Foot
20. The Avett Brothers- Hard Worker